The Man Who Cannot Sleep

Giant puppet theatre, White Night Melbourne, Victoria Gardens VIC, 2018

Project description

A giant head sits on a street corner. He has woken up in the past, our present. He does not want to fall asleep again. He does not want to return to the devastated land of the future. Throughout the night he witnesses our revelry, us naive Lilliputians, and cannot believe his eyes.

A surrealist performance combining puppetry and projection. The Man Who Cannot Sleep is a gargantuan emissary from the world of dreams. It is an ode to a civilization on the verge of collapse.

Conceived by Magic Lantern Studio’s Gonzalo Varela and realised in collaboration with Sanctum Theatre’s Lachlan Plain. The Man Who Cannot Sleep premiered at White Night 2018.

Technical information

Single channel video projection, various HD videos, 5.1 sound.


Video Artist - Lee Ramseyer Bache

Director/Writer- Gonzalo Vaereles

Puppeteer - Lachlan Plain


Darebins Climate Emergency Journey

